Get to the root cause of your hormonal symptoms.


You’ve been asleep at the wheel of your own health for too long!  It’s time to wake up and become aware of how your overall health is affecting how you feel each day you step out of bed in the morning.

Being a woman in midlife can be exhausting and overwhelming, which can throw your hormones out of whack!  Have you ever thought about how a hormonal imbalance can manifest into negative health symptoms?

Are you struggling with any of these symptoms? 

  • Are you a middle-aged woman who finds yourself trapped in a cycle of exhaustion, frustration, and insecurity?  
  • Struggling with poor sleep, relentless brain fog, uncontrollable sugar or alcohol cravings, and weight challenges, making you feel like shadows of your former self?  
  • Are you battling against fatigue, mental fog, and the relentless urge to indulge in unhealthy foods?  
  • Feeling overwhelmed, helpless, and disconnected from the vibrant, energetic life you once enjoyed?  
  • Having sleepless nights and foggy days blur together?
  • Are you feeling trapped in a cycle of despair and uncertainty about your health and well-being?

If the answer is “yes”, then you are likely dealing with hormone imbalance.

Women in midlife often present with symptoms like this. This is exactly why I created this 90-day program.


Chronic fatigue


Adrenal dysfunction


Blood sugar imbalance


Sleep issues


Gut dysbiosis


Insulin resistance


Weight gain


Digestive issues


Chronic inflammation


Brain fog






Mood issues


Thyroid issues


Decreased libido

It doesn’t have to be this way!  That’s why I created the

Healthy Hormone Balance 90-Day Program!

A one-on-one program that optimizes nutrition, lifestyle, and environment to help balance your hormones naturally and kick those symptoms to the curb!

Here’s how I address this problem

My process is unique because I am focusing on these 3 pillars – nutrition, lifestyle, and environment.  Most women only focus on nutrition or exercise, but my approach is to consider the whole person and all of the different facets that contribute to people having brain fog, cravings, sleep issues, and weight challenges by getting to the root cause of the imbalances that are causing your symptoms.


By emphasizing nutrient-dense foods, balanced meals, and supporting the body’s natural detoxification pathways, I help women optimize hormone health and restore balance to reduce their symptoms.

Nutrition plays a critical role in optimizing hormone health and balance by providing essential nutrients needed for hormone synthesis, metabolism, and regulation.


Lifestyle interventions play a crucial role in balancing women’s hormone health by addressing key factors such as stress, sleep, physical activity, and relationships.

Incorporating stress-management techniques, prioritizing quality sleep, engaging in regular exercise, and nurturing healthy relationships will help support hormone balance, reduce symptoms of hormonal imbalances, and promote overall well-being.


An often overlooked aspect of hormonal health is the hormone-disrupting chemicals that we are exposed to through living our normal lives. 

Some of the areas where endocrine-disrupting chemicals are found are in personal care products, plastics, pesticides, and household dust.

Our work will focus on identifying and minimizing your exposure to help you optimize your hormonal health.

This is the process I use in my program:


We will start by evaluating all aspects of your health and history. You’ll fill out a comprehensive intake form that delves into your health history and the symptoms you’re facing. By leveraging the insights gathered from this assessment, we’ll craft a personalized narrative tailored to your health journey, identifying any underlying factors, triggers, and influential elements.


Following a thorough assessment and understanding of your current status, I will create custom-tailored dietary and lifestyle suggestions that cater specifically to your body and your daily routines. When your nutrition, lifestyle choices, and mindset are harmonized with your physiology, your body is equipped with the resources necessary to thrive and achieve optimal well-being.


Once you’ve started integrating the dietary and lifestyle suggestions, we’ll employ various tools to monitor your progress and evaluate whether adjustments are needed. I will not only educate and empower you to understand why your health challenges arose and what actions to take but also provide practical guidance on how to seamlessly incorporate these changes into your daily life so you can take back control of your health.

Making these changes can result in…

  • Waking up feeling refreshed and energized, with mental clarity and focus that carry you through the day. 
  • Experiencing improved digestive health and reduced bloating and discomfort, as reducing cravings for processed and high-sugar foods can lead to a healthier gut microbiome and smoother digestion.
  • Feeling physically and mentally well, approaching life with a sense of optimism and motivation, and feeling excited about the possibilities and opportunities that each day brings.
  • Experiencing stable moods and emotions, feeling balanced and emotionally resilient, and better equipped to handle life’s challenges with grace and composure.
  • Saying goodbye to cravings and weight fluctuations, and hello to a balanced, empowered approach to nutrition and lifestyle. 
  • Feeling your best, allowing you to fully engage in life and connect with others, fostering meaningful relationships, and enjoying fulfilling social interactions.

With my guidance, you’ll unlock the power of deep, restorative sleep, banish brain fog, conquer cravings, and achieve a healthy weight that reflects your inner vitality and strength.

Say goodbye to exhaustion and hello to a life filled with energy, clarity, and joy!

The Healthy Hormone Balance 90-Day Program


Meet with me via Zoom or phone biweekly for support where we’ll discuss what’s working, what’s not, and determine your best plan forward.  I’ll provide transformational coaching and action steps to help you transform old habits into new choices to create the healthy lifestyle you desire to kick the symptoms of hormonal imbalance to the curb.

The details:

  • Initial 1-hour health history session
  • Six 45-minute nutrition counseling sessions
  • 2 – 3 recommended action steps per session, with appropriate handouts
  • Text support via The Practice Better app between sessions
  • 20% off Fullscript supplement orders

Don’t feel like you need the 90-day support, but would like some guidance and action steps to help get you started on your path to optimal hormone balance?

The Healthy Hormone Balance Jump Start 30-Day Program


Meet with me via Zoom or phone biweekly for support where we’ll discuss what’s working, what’s not, and determine your best plan forward.  I’ll provide transformational coaching and action steps to help you transform old habits into new choices to create the healthy lifestyle you desire to kick the symptoms of hormonal imbalance to the curb.

The details:

  • Initial 1-hour health history session
  • Two 45-minute nutrition counseling sessions
  • 2 – 3 recommended action steps per session, with appropriate handouts
  • Text support via The Practice Better app between sessions
  • 20% off Fullscript supplement orders

The complimentary 20-minute strategy session is an informal consultation that allows us to talk about your health challenges and goals, including what you’ve tried in the past, what’s worked, and what hasn’t, discuss my unique approach to women’s health, and decide if working together is the next best step! 

This program is for you if :

  • You understand it’s not a quick fix and it’s going to take time and effort to rebalance your hormones.
  • You have tried other things in the past, whether you saw multiple doctors or practitioners, or tried things on your own, but you are still feeling stuck in hormonal hell and don’t know where to go next.  
  • You are open to learning about why your symptoms have manifested in your body and what to do about it.  
  • You are ready to get curious and jump in on creating your journey to balanced hormones and your best health!

Why a functional approach to nutrition and lifestyle?

Many women have been dealing with complex, layered health issues that have not been adequately addressed through the conventional model and have sought out alternate ways to optimize their health or get an answer to what has been going on with them.  

I help wake you up to know what you don’t know and guide you in “clearing the muddy waters” to get to the root cause of your health symptoms so you can feel empowered and take charge of your health!


I have worked with a nutritionist before. What’s different about your holistic approach to health and wellness?

I believe in treating the whole person, getting to the root cause of symptoms, and empowering my clients to become active participants in their healing journey. With a blend of science-backed strategies, compassionate support, and practical guidance, I help my clients create sustainable lifestyle changes that promote lasting health and vitality.

Why would I choose to work with you?

When you choose to work with me, you’re gaining a partner, a confidant, and a cheerleader all rolled into one. I’m here to listen, educate, support, and guide you every step of the way. Together, we’ll uncover the unique factors contributing to your health concerns and develop a personalized plan to help you achieve your wellness goals and live your best life.

How often will we meet?

Our first session will be a 1-hour health history session where I will ask you questions about your health journey, based on what you shared on your comprehensive intake form, and we will discuss your health goals.  After the completion of that session, we will meet twice a month over the 90-day program.  Spacing the sessions out biweekly will allow you to implement and experiment with any of the recommendations I provide you during our session.  It will provide us with the data we need to decide if we need to tweak any of the recommendations or add additional support.


If by the end of the 90-day program, you have other areas of health you would like to work on or would like to have continued support, you will be able to sign on for another 90 days. 

What if I can’t make a session?

As long as you notify me 24 hours before our scheduled session, you will be able to reschedule.  If you notify me less than 24 hours in advance, you will unfortunately forfeit that session.