Get to the root cause of your hormonal symptoms.

Wake up your best healthy self!


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7 Triggers for Hormone Imbalance That You Might Be Missing

What I Do

I help midlife women get great sleep, eliminate brain fog and cravings, and balance their weight by optimizing hormone health so they can feel like themselves again!

By addressing nutrition, lifestyle, and environmental factors, we will work together to find the healthy balance that you’re seeking.

Together working one-on-one, we will make uniquely targeted diet and lifestyle modifications that will get to the root cause where your symptoms manifest, and help you meet your goals.

Are you experiencing any of these health issues?  I can help!


Chronic fatigue


Adrenal dysfunction


Blood sugar imbalance


Sleep issues


Gut dysbiosis


Insulin resistance


Weight gain


Digestive issues


Chronic inflammation


Brain fog




Hot flashes


Mood issues


Thyroid issues


Sugar & alcohol cravings


Middle-aged women experience sleep disturbances that can impact well-being & productivity

4 of 5

Women over 40 are concerned about weight gain, which can result from hormone shifts & lifestyle factors


Higher risk of cardiovascular disease in middle-aged women with sleep disorders

1 in 5

Women in midlife are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes


Chemicals that women are exposed to have been identified as hormone disruptors

Here’s how I address this problem

My process is unique because I am focusing on these 3 pillars – nutrition, lifestyle, and environment.  Most women only focus on nutrition or exercise, but my approach is to consider the whole person and all of the different facets that contribute to people having brain fog, cravings, sleep issues, and weight challenges by getting to the root cause of the imbalances that are causing your symptoms.


By emphasizing nutrient-dense foods, balanced meals, and supporting the body’s natural detoxification pathways, I help women optimize hormone health and restore balance to reduce their symptoms.

Nutrition plays a critical role in optimizing hormone health and balance by providing essential nutrients needed for hormone synthesis, metabolism, and regulation.


Lifestyle interventions play a crucial role in balancing women’s hormone health by addressing key factors such as stress, sleep, physical activity, and relationships.

Incorporating stress-management techniques, prioritizing quality sleep, engaging in regular exercise, and nurturing healthy relationships will help support hormone balance, reduce symptoms of hormonal imbalances, and promote overall well-being.


An often overlooked aspect of hormonal health is the hormone-disrupting chemicals that we are exposed to through living our normal lives. 

Some of the areas where endocrine-disrupting chemicals are found are in personal care products, plastics, pesticides, and household dust.

Our work is going to focus on identifying and minimizing your exposure to help you optimize your hormonal health.


“Very positive impact on my life!”

My time spent with Alison has had a very positive impact on my life! I am so much more insightful, educated, and mindful of my health. 

Lynn J., Fitzwilliam, Registered Nurse

“It was life-changing!”

 It was life-changing to have her in my corner rooting for me and wanting the best for me. She helped me make an individualized plan that fit my needs, my lifestyle, and my desires. 

Lori R., Stay-at-Home Mom

“Changed the way I think about my overall health!”

My experience with Alison’s coaching has changed the way I think about my overall health!  I feel healthy and have much more energy!  I also feel more connected to my family. 

Erica M., Stay-at-Home Mom

“I sleep, think, and look better!”

Alison’s support and coaching helped me see things in a new light. I sleep, think, and look better!

Jen K., Stay-at-Home Mom

“The confidence and understanding to try new things!”

Alison helped me gently explore a totally different way of reexamining my habits, the way I care for myself, and my health goals.

Alison’s coaching has given me the confidence and understanding to try new things.

Teresa B., Accountant

“I always leave feeling like anything is possible.”

Alison brings such positive energy and inspiration to our coaching sessions that I always leave feeling like anything is possible. 

I have grown so much as a person, just by working with her, and she has taught me tools and methods that I have incorporated into my life which guide me to react much more positively to everyday stress. 

Lisa L., Entrepreneur

“I value the time I’ve spent with her – it’s truly improved my life.”

I appreciate that Alison herself leads a healthy lifestyle, including meditation and nourishing food choices, that I can draw on to help me make the better choices that I want to make. 

I value the time I’ve spent with her – it’s truly improved my life.

Whitney M., Functional Medicine Health Coach


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