Get to the root cause of your hormonal symptoms.

Why I Don’t Worry About Breast Cancer

Why I Don’t Worry About Breast Cancer

In October, fundraisers and pink ribbons were all over the place in my area.  October is very meaningful to those who have been impacted with breast cancer and it is a great reminder for women to take care of their health and to get that annual breast screening. One...
Have You Tried Meditation?

Have You Tried Meditation?

How do you manage stress in your life? We all deal with it. What really is stress? Stress is the way we react to a situation. When you realize you have a choice on how to react to stress, with a proper mindset and positive energy, you can flip those tough situations...
Why I’m Not in Recovery

Why I’m Not in Recovery

When you hear someone is living life in recovery, what does that make you think? It sounds kind of heavy, doesn’t it? I think about it as someone who had a serious issue with alcohol addiction and who was able to find sobriety through programs such as AA, rehab, or...
Holy Cow!  4 Years AF!

Holy Cow! 4 Years AF!

On Sunday, September 4th, I celebrated my four year alcohol-free anniversary! What a huge milestone for me to hit, one where four years ago, I absolutely could not imagine. When I woke up the morning after Labor Day in 2018, I was completely exhausted from all my...
6 Ways to Balance Blood Sugar

6 Ways to Balance Blood Sugar

What you eat throughout the day and how you approach other lifestyle factors can increase or radically decrease your cravings for overindulging in alcohol and sugar.  Going from skipping meals and dieting to make up for overindulging, to realizing it can radically...
What’s Your Why?

What’s Your Why?

Becoming aware that drinking alcohol is showing up in your life in a negative light can lead you to consider changing your relationship with it. It isn’t easy to come to this realization, and it may be a hard truth to face, but it’s also the first positive step on...
Overindulging on Vacation

Overindulging on Vacation

Vacation is the time to relax, unwind, and have fun with your family. It’s an occasion I look forward to every summer, and I tend to let myself overindulge. It’s completely normal to go off your regular routine when you are away from home, and I don’t allow any...
5 Must-Have Readiness Beliefs

5 Must-Have Readiness Beliefs

When it comes to being ready to make a change in your relationship with alcohol, it’s not linear, and it’s not about being able to flip a switch to have a completely “ready” mindset. Making a lifestyle change is a big commitment, and it is vital that you understand...
My Feel Better List

My Feel Better List

Around this time four years ago, I was feeling just about at my lowest.  It was about halfway through the summer and I felt completely exhausted and like garbage.  My anxiety felt like it was going through the roof, and I was PRAYING for some relief.  I knew I wanted...